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With Matthew Power
Focusing Oriented Psychotherapist
BCouns, BA, Grad Dip Ed, MACA

Based in Townsville. Available for Zoom appointments and Covid-safe outdoor appointments, which can be at your home or in a beautiful park with a couple of folding chairs, usually Anderson Gardens or The Palmetum

Contact:    0439810160

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Relationship Counselling

With Matthew, you will experience:

~ Respect and compassion for each person in the room.

~ The opportunity for each person to speak and be listened to.

~ Help working out what you really want to say. Sometimes you can feel your truth before you can find the words. Matthew can help you find your truth and the words to say it.

~ A look at the “dance” of relating between you. At what moments exactly is it going wrong? At those key moments, what is happening inside for both of you?

~ Training in relationship skills. Learn about “softened startup”, “positivity sandwich”, the magic of pausing on the outside and the inside and many other skills.

~ Learning how to transform flaming rows into respectful disagreements.

~ Help working on shared goals and dreams.

Matthew’s speciality in Relationship Counselling is related to his skills as a trauma counsellor. Sometimes our inner wounds, often carried with us from childhood, create obstacles in our relationships. Matthew is highly skilled in helping you notice how these wounds are involved in the dance of your relationship, helping you heal them and accept the woundedness in each other as part of your experience of love.

Contact:   0439810160